

Ruler Tube is a porn aggregator that offers a wide selection of high-definition (HD) porn scenes from top sources on the web. The site is free to use and provides categories for easy navigation. Ruler Tube is valued at $207,618.72 and has a popularity ranking of 11,603. The site has a visually pleasing design and offers multiple language options. Popular categories on Ruler Tube include mature, wife, mom, old and young, amateur, granny, celebrity, and lesbian, among many others. The site features high-quality porn videos with clear HD visuals and updates its collection regularly. The videos range from 30 minutes to an hour in length. Ruler Tube also offers a variety of scenes, including taboo scenarios and diverse fetishes. The site sources its videos from prominent porn portals. In addition to the videos, Ruler Tube provides links to DVD downloads and adult dating sections. The site also features a compilation of 100 other free porn sites. There is no membership required to access the content on Ruler Tube. However, the site does display ads which may be a drawback for some users. Suggestions to enhance the site include adding a preview button, including erotic photo galleries, and reducing the presence of banners. Overall, Ruler Tube offers a vast collection of HD porn videos and a satisfying user experience for those seeking free adult entertainment.

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